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Administrative Resources for Online Classes

Approved Instructors and Classes

Instructors scheduled to teach in any Distance Education modality must complete the listed on the Approval for Teaching Online page and must have approval for each course they teach (each course, not each section). Below is a list of all the instructors approved to teach online as of March 9, 2025.

Approved to teach online (PDF)

Approved to teach online (Excel)

  • Courses marked with an (H) are approved for hybrid formats only.
  • Courses marked with an (S) are approved only for synchronous or hybrid formats.
  • Unmarked courses are approved for all modalities.

Approved to use Canvas

All instructors, regardless of the modality they teach, are required to complete the Online Readiness Training (ORT). Below is a list of the instructors who have completed ORT as of March 9, 2025.

Approved for using Canvas (PDF)

Approved for using Canvas (Excel)


DE Data

  1. CCCCO Data Mart
  2. CCCCO Student Success Metrics
  3. Butte Report Server (must be on campus or via VPN)
  4. DE Dashboard (must be on campus or via VPN)
  5. Butte College Visualizations  (must be on campus or via VPN)

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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